Keep Your Children Safe! ID, Online, Toys, People – Many Dangers

Please protect your children. Teach them, register (with a reputable firm), set up location services, love them unconditionally, and

Your children should be cautious around strangers. You can teach your children to not accept strangers’ requests for help or offer of candy. There are many ways children can be lured away, including to find their lost dog, help them find their lost child, or even their parents. You should not give your children candy or treats. They could be spiked and used as a way of getting the child to take it. Even her friends could be dangerous. It happens all the time – even a trusted person can lure a child away. You should keep them away from social media until they can handle it. Many trolls are out there looking for child victims. Don’t share photos of your children on social media. Bad people will be looking for them. Sometimes the photos can also be downloaded and used in other horrible ways, such as being used by human traffickers, propaganda or any other purpose.

Photographs and fingerprints should be taken of all your children. Make a list of any significant or unusual identifiers such as freckles and scars, piercings and teeth features. The information can be gathered in a kit, which is kept in a registry in case of need (hopefully not).

You can keep track of where your children are by creating a parental GPS on the phone.

Let them know that you care about them and don’t want them to be hurt. It’s a new world, full of dangers that we didn’t know could exist. There will be new dangers, and they will, unfortunately. However, technology is constantly improving, which means that evil minds are more likely to emerge. It is important to be vigilant and to stay ahead of any dangers that may come.

You should be very careful with your children’s toys. You should make sure that they don’t have any parts that are broken, can be swallowed and that there are no toxic chemicals in them.

Lock up any dangers that could cause harm to children, such as firearms, medicines, and machinery. Make sure furniture is secured so it doesn’t fall over. Place outlet covers. Keep your home safe with common sense.

Children are exposed to more dangers than ever before. Protect them and be vigilant. Teach them how to advocate for themselves.

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