Tips For Basic Mens Fitness

Tips For Basic Mens Fitness

Although I’ve written about fitness nutrition and men’s fitness, what about the basics? This is the core of why men want to be healthy. Fitness is for everyone. No matter your age, fitness is for everyone. It’s never too late to get started.

Men are usually the breadwinners in a family. A man who is healthy has more energy to do his job and have more time for his family. You are happier, healthier, and look better. Every man should aim to be fit. Although you don’t need to be an Olympian to achieve good fitness, overall health is important. The ladies will agree with me.

Flexibility is the first and most fundamental part of any fitness program. Flexibility is key to staying flexible and avoiding injury. Cardio is the second aspect of men’s fitness. Cardio keeps your blood pumping and increases your lung capacity. It also improves your ability to deliver oxygen to your blood. This provides you with almost unlimited energy to handle any challenge in your day. Your brain’s oxygenation is also improved by blood flow. Third, strength and muscle building are the final two. These are optional. Some men don’t want to be “musclebound”. However, it is important to keep your muscles toned and strong.

Cardio workouts are my favorite. If you have the time, aerobics is a good choice. Cardio is a better way to keep your heart healthy, maintain blood pressure, and keep cholesterol low. After all, the heart is a muscle and requires regular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise will keep you healthy and full of energy. You only need to stretch for flexibility and cardio.

You can build muscle if you choose. Follow these simple rules if you want to weight train. You should know how to properly do your exercises, stretch properly before you exercise, and perhaps have a buddy/spotter to help with your lifting. Be safe. The proper nutrition is key to building muscle properly, as I have previously discussed. A balanced diet is essential. You should also take vitamin and mineral supplements. Get at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. Don’t overtrain or push yourself too hard. Raw foods (vegetables), in a variety of forms, such as chicken, turkey and fish, are the best. If it is lean, but not fatty, red meat should be eaten.

It’s there. These are the basics of nutrition and fitness for men. Some are obvious, while others are not. We tend to assume that everyone is a fitness expert.

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